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If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on ART CRITICISM AND HISTORY. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality ART CRITICISM AND HISTORY paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in ART CRITICISM AND HISTORY, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your ART CRITICISM AND HISTORY paper at affordable prices!


Select two artists or a group of artists from your area of study. Write a descriptive profile of the practice of each artist or group of artists. In your response outline how the artist's interests, beliefs, choices and actions can be interpreted using one of the frames.

Frida Kahlo and Peter Booth are both artists who create artworks that depict the interest, beliefs, choices and actions, in which the artists have taken. Although both are painters in the 0th Century, the artworks are very different in meaning and in style.

Magdalena Carmen Frida Kahlo was a Mexican surrealist artist, feminist and revolutionist.

Most of Kahlo's artworks were all based upon, the misfortunes and struggle that occurred during Kahlo's life time.

One example of such includes, ¡¥The Broken Column'. The Broken Column is a painting that consisted of a figure, (which was seen as Frida Kahlo), who is covered in pins and needles, and in the centre of the figure there is a depiction of a ¡¥broken column.' The entire painting is placed upon a vast and empty background.

The main basis of the painting was to show pain and isolation, evident from the pins and needles and the empty background.

This painting is reflected upon Kahlo's incident, at about age 18; Frida Kahlo was involved in a serious bus accident which left resulted with a broken spinal column, a broken collarbone, broken ribs, a broken pelvis, and 11 fractures in the right leg. In addition, Kahlo's right foot was dislocated and crushed, and Kahlo's shoulder was out of joint. For a month, Frida was forced to stay flat on her back, encased in a plaster cast and enclosed in a boxlike structure.

The painting depicts the pain and injuries Kahlo had encountered on that day. ¡¥The broken column' and the ¡¥pins and needles' convey the spinal injury, pain and suffering, Frida Kahlo has been facing with ever since the accident. In addition, the artwork also contains the common mono-brow that has been seen throughout Kahlo's artworks.

The self-portraits also reveal Kahlo's ego expressed in political, social and emotional terms. It depicts Kahlo as a Mexican, female physically damaged. As seen in the painting, the common mono-brow which has been evident in all Kahlo's work emphasises Kahlo's nationality as a Mexican. It could also be seen as a sense of identity, about Mexicans' as a whole. The nation reacted through Liberal revolution and creation of a national state that was secular and under the rule of law. During Kahlo's time, Mexico was a place of poverty, ceremonial masks, colour, tragedy, revolution and hope.

And although, Kahlo was seriously injured and was in constant pain, she still attended various and countless amounts of revolutionary and feminist protests and rallies.

The painting can be admired by various audiences', not only because of its depictions of physical, pain and suffering but also for its political, social and emotional terms.

Peter Booth's artwork portrays a journey or progress of humanity through darkness, spiritual turmoil, loneliness and isolation to possible hope.

An example of an artwork which conveys the journey or progress of humanity through darkness, spiritual turmoil, loneliness and isolation to possible hope, is the painting named, ¡¥Painting 177'.The painting has revolved around a striking image of a man on a deserted road staring out from a blood-and fire landscape.

¡¥Painting 177', was used to symbolise the violent and dark aspects of human nature, but with a twisted feeling of compassion. The painting was a part of a tribute for his friend, Les Hawkins, who had been killed in a road accident, ¡§Peter Booth made a series of drawings in memory of his friend, Les Hawkins¡Klooking into a funnel of light which pours down a road between houses or in the open landscape.¡¨(Senior Artwise, Pg 54)

The painting depicts isolation, darkness and despair, which is emphasised by the vast, dark, dead landscape that is placed as the background of the painting. In addition, there is also a feeling of pain and sorrow by the choice of colours and the fiery effect it produces but in contrast there is also a feeling of hopelessness as well, due from the effect the opening of light which is shown at the end of the horizon. The light is other worldly and inescapable.

Peter Booth has been termed a ¡¥visionary artist', one who is obsessed with superstition and transformation.

Although Booth claims his personal memories, anxieties, dreams and experiences inform the meaning of his works. Booth's painting generally symbolise the violent and dark aspects of human nature, yet there is a deep feeling of compassion. He often combines symbols of modern with the medieval world, creating a universal symbolism.

As gathered from above, both artists, Frida Kahlo, and, Peter Booth, can show emotions, concepts and ways of thinking by depicting the ideas and thoughts into the artworks structurally and subjectively.

Structurally, the artist's feelings, choices and beliefs can be seen through various signs and symbols from the painting. From the examples, ¡¥The Broken Column' and ¡¥Painting 177', the signs and symbols shown from the painting were very effective the painting furthermore emphasis on the signs and symbols.

Therefore, making it a more obvious and noticeable for the interpretation of the beliefs, choices, interests and actions from the selected artists and artworks.

Please note that this sample paper on ART CRITICISM AND HISTORY is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on ART CRITICISM AND HISTORY, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on ART CRITICISM AND HISTORY will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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